Hope Arrives in Ottawa for Chronic Back & Neck Pain Sufferers with the Arrival of this Revolutionary, Science-based, Cutting-Edge Technology.

Avoid surgery with the evolution of the World’s first and only Non-Surgical, Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression system now available in Ottawa.

Dr. John Zielonka  
Ottawa, ON
What do all of these people have in common?
They’re all from the Ottawa area and they all used to suffer from debilitating back or neck pain for which they had given up hope and thought that they had tried everything. They no longer suffer. More importantly, they have their lives back despite suffering from one or more of the following:
  • Serious Low Back or Neck Pain 
  • ​Herniated and bulging discs
  • ​Spinal Stenosis
  • ​Degenerative Disc Disease
  • ​Sciatica
  • ​Failed Back Surgery
  • Numbness or soreness in your legs
  • ​Shooting hip or thigh pain
  • ​Muscle spasm
  • ​Limited Mobility
  • ​Depression, Anxiety, and Despair 

Read Their Success Stories...

Jim suffered with debilitating low back pain for 30 years, including 30 years or Percocet. The Percocet is gone, and Jim has his life back.

Lou was taking 15 pills (6 Gabapentin and 9 Tylenol) EVERY DAY 
for his debilitating pain. He now takes ZERO. And after 8 weeks,
he is 80% better even though he suffered for years.

Elena had previous spinal surgery and suffered from daily,
debilitating, migraines for 10 years. Her migraines are now 90% less.
And she hasn’t even completed her initial program yet.

Isabelle’s neck pain is gone, and x-rays show
a 56% increase in disc height in her cervical spine.

Eric was so thrilled with the results of his program for his neck
that he has now invested in another one for his low back.

And Bob. He’s confined to a wheelchair and has already experienced
an increase in his ability to move his legs. We’re following Bob’s results
closely and we’ll let you know more when we do.

More Pills and Surgery Shouldn't Be The Only Solution
If you suffer from any of the previously mentioned conditions then I'm sure you're familiar with the drugs Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, Voltaren, cortisone, morphine, opioids, epidurals and more. 
Let’s also not forget the side-effects, serious side-effects, of all of these drugs.  Let’s be clear again. We’re not talking about the guy who tweaked his back playing tennis last weekend or a little stiffness from a good workout. If that’s what you have, go try one of the above.  What we’re talking about is serious, debilitating, chronic back and neck pain that has changed your life.


I’m talking about unrelenting, serious pain where one only wishes that they could find a position that might allow for a half hour of sleep. It’s not the pain that wakes you up, it’s the pain that doesn’t allow you to go to sleep in the first place. And yes, they’re trying to sleep on the hardwood floor. I’m talking about having taken so many anti-inflammatories that there’s not much stomach lining left. As for that Tylenol, it’s likely destroying their liver unbeknownst to them.

I’m talking about a grown adult being on all fours with no hope of getting up no matter how strong and tough they think they are.

I’m talking about feeling utterly useless.
Does it Work?
Its overall success rate in our health centre in downtown Ottawa is in the 90%+ range with similar results in the United States as scientific research and clinical studies continue. Please appreciate that this high success rate includes some of the toughest cases who have suffered with multiple different factors and have seen multiple different specialists. That’s right. They thought they had tried it all. Medical doctors, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, and other “specialists”. MRIs, CT scans and X-rays. Multiple Chiropractic appointments, countless physical therapy sessions, massage, acupuncture, and a ton of various forms of exercise all from very well-meaning people.  Maybe even previous “standard” spinal decompression or traction (there’s a huge difference - the science is clear).  And possibly even previous surgery.

Let’s be clear. There’s nothing wrong with all of these health providers and hopefully they had one’s best interests at heart.

But now, a number of the best doctors and health professionals have actually referred their toughest cases to us in Ottawa when they couldn’t help.
And until coming to our centre, these people still suffered.
 Is This Right For You?
Up to 74.6% of low back spine surgeries fail to alleviate back pain according to a 2016 review in the Journal of Pain Research. However, our unique approach allows us to uncover your primary health conditions and thus get to the underlying causes, yes - there's always more than one. 94% of our clients who follow all of our health recommendations report a better quality of life.
I'm incredibly impressed by the care and depth of knowledge provided by Dr. Zielonka and his team. After suffering an injury caused by another doctor and living with years of serious, chronic back pain, 
I was referred to him by a close friend. I underwent his Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression program and I am thrilled with the results. My pain is gone and I have now
returned to both my golf and travel. I have renewed hope for an active future
allowing me the freedom to do the things I want to do. I have become one of his
biggest advocates referring him to everyone who's suffering needlessly.

The Hon. Colin McKinnon, K.C.
Ontario Superior Court (ret’d)
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
“I wish I had found you sooner”
I’m Dr. John Zielonka, a 16-time award winning Health Expert, Neuro-Functional Chiropractor and Rehabilitation Doctor right here in the heart of downtown Ottawa. I've cared for some of the world’s best athletes as well as thousands of Ottawans. In fact, I've literally looked at hundreds of thousands of spines over my 33+ years in practice.

What all this means is that we actually care - quite a bit in fact.  It also means we know how to figure out what’s wrong, we know how to help fix it, and we’ve helped many before.  That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the addition of Ottawa’s only Non-Surgical, Robotic Laser True Spinal Decompression System that forms part of our 7 Step Solution to End Chronic Back and Neck Pain.  Clinical studies have shown great success with chronic back and neck conditions, sciatica, “pinched nerves”, degenerating discs, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, disc herniations, and so much more.

We want to make it easy for you to explore if we can help which is why we’re extending this opportunity to you. For a limited time only, you will receive our full initial consultation certificate for only $99
(a value of $500).

We’ll really listen to all concerns, answer all questions and explain exactly how we can help and what to expect.  The goal of this evaluation is to help find the problem and then design a comprehensive program to correct it. Imagine what life could be like without these frustrating nerve problems.
So why such a great deal? After all, to be blunt, one can’t x-ray their cat for only $99.  Because I believe everyone has the right to know. No pressure. No obligation.  Just know – so that you can finally make an informed decision.  And to be blunt again, we don’t want anyone to invest in our programs if we don’t sincerely believe there’s a good chance for success. But this isn’t for everyone.  If you’re a tire-kicker, expect someone else to do it for you, or aren’t prepared to invest in your health, this isn’t for you.
It’s for people who are serious about finally getting better and experiencing the life they deserve.
It’s for people who will follow through on all of our recommendations and make the necessary effort.
It’s for those who are willing to invest in their health and take responsibility for it.  How much does one need to invest? We can’t possibly know yet.
While this is our most common question and we want to be as transparent as possible, it is also the most difficult for us to answer until we get to know you.

You Can Also Call Us (613) 688-1036

Exclusive Exam Certificate for only $99
You will receive all of what is included with our full initial consultation:
  • Up to one hour Comprehensive Consultation and Examination directly with Dr. Zielonka
  • ​Onsite Spinal Digital X-Rays
  • ​Full-Spine Neurological Scan
  • ​Postural Analysis
  • ​​Range of motion testing
  • ​​​Analysis of Disability Indexes
  • ​​Discussion of Test Results and Determination of Program Acceptance
  • ​​No obligation to begin care - simply find out if there's a solution for you. Affordable payment plans available
Claim Your Certificate Now!
What To Expect
It starts with confidential health forms so that we can learn and understand all about one’s health history.
It’s then up to 1 hour one on one directly with me, Ottawa’s only Non-Surgical, Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression expert. This exam is specific to each individual, including onsite diagnostic digital x-rays, a full-spine nerve scan, orthopedic tests, neurological tests, postural assessments and a direct hands-on approach so that we can determine ALL OF THE UNDERLYING CAUSES of one’s pain and suffering.  Yes, underlying causes, not cause, as we’ve found it’s always more than one thing often unbeknownst to the patient no matter how many tests they’ve done previously.  And how on earth does one fix it if they don’t even know it exists?  It’s one of the keys to our success.  If you have a past MRI report, then bring that too. And then the best part. At that same visit, I will explain it all. One even gets to see their own x-rays and Full Spine Nerve Scan so they’ll know for sure exactly what’s going on. In fact, most of our clients say it’s the best explanation and understanding of their case that they’ve ever had.  And last but certainly not least, I  will explain exactly what can be done and ones’ chances for success to finally end the pain and suffering.  And finally, there’s hope again.
Don’t Ignore this Pain any Longer. It only gets worse. Claim Your Life Back!
Our office is located in the heart of downtown Ottawa not far from you. We will try to get you into the schedule as soon as possible as soon as space is available.

Yours in health,

Dr. John Zielonka

Voted Ottawa's Best 16 times by the Consumer Choice Awards & Top Choice Awards
Claim Your Certificate Now!
About Dr. John Zielonka
   Dr. John Zielonka is one of Canada's most                     trusted health and wellness experts. 

He is Ottawa's leading expert on Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression and the founder of his Gold Standard Neuro-Spinal Restoration Program. He is also Ottawa's only 16-time Award-Winning Neuro-Functional Chiropractor who has been voted Ottawa's best an unprecedented 16 times by the Consumer Choice Awards and Top Choice Awards. He is also the past founder of the Rehabilitation Program at the Ottawa Sport Science Centre. 

He is the founder of National Health Day in Canada, a functional health doctor and an ortho-molecular nutritionist who has helped thousands to not only be free of pain and suffering but also learn what true health is all about. He is the author of 10 health books including the Amazon best sellers "The Science of Vitamins Meets Optimum Health & Common-Sense" and "The Science of Brain Health" as well as "Low Back Pain is Not a Life Sentence". He has made over 100 television appearances in an effort to transform people's lives. 

Frequently Asked Questions

                              Ottawa’s Only 
                 Non-Surgical, Robotic Laser
                   Spinal Decompression & 
   The 7-Step Solution to End Back & Neck Pain 

1. What conditions can you help?
Our programs have helped people suffering with chronic low back and neck pain even when they have endured their suffering for decades and thought they had tried everything. This includes people suffering from:
a) Spinal Decay, Degenerative Disc Disease and Osteoarthritis
b) Disc herniations, disc bulges and disc prolapses
c) Nerve impingement, “pinched nerves” and radiculopathy
d) Sciatica
e) Spinal Stenosis
f) Scoliosis
g) Spondylolisthesis
h) Old Compression fractures
i) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
j) Injuries from motor vehicle accidents 
k) People scheduled for or contemplating surgery
l) People with failed back surgery and more…

Many of our clients have more than one of the above. The only way to know for sure if we can help is by undergoing your Initial Consultation & Examination with us.

2. Does treatment hurt?
Absolutely not. Most patients find it relaxing and after thousands of treatments at our centre there have been no adverse effects of any kind reported.

3. Where are we located?
We are located in the heart of downtown Ottawa on the ground floor of the World Exchange Plaza where we have been for the past 20 years. The World Exchange Plaza is one of Ottawa’s largest downtown complexes taking up an entire city block and is bound by Queen Street to the north, Albert Street to the south, O’Connor to the west and Metcalfe to the east. We are also directly on the LRT line at Parliament station.

4. Where can I park?
Your best place to park is in our convenient underground parking that can be accessed either via Metcalfe or Queen Street at $3.50 per 20 minute period. When you come up the main red centre parking elevators, our centre will be directly in front of you.

5. Are your services covered by OHIP?
We are a private health centre and as such our fees are not covered by OHIP, therefore an investment in your health is necessary on your part.    

6. Will my insurance cover your services?
That all depends on your insurance company as there are many of them with different levels of contribution. For most of our clients who have seen success utilizing our Non-Surgical, Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression, they have had partial contribution and have had to pay the remainder out of pocket. We also have many clients who have no coverage at all, By the same token, we have had some clients who were involved in motor vehicle accidents who were fully covered and others who were only partially covered - again it all depends on your particular insurance company. We have many people who choose to invest in their health and they reap the rewards in many ways. Payment options are available. The only way to know for sure is to complete our initial examination and consultation including digital x-rays and a neurological scan (only $99 vs a $500 value). By doing so, you can find out exactly what you need. While almost everyone begins care, there is no obligation to do so. We hope this helps. Please call us at 613 688-1036 - we'd be pleased to be of service.

7. Our most common question – what does it cost and how many sessions will I need?
While this is our most common question and we want to be as transparent as possible, it is also the most difficult for us to answer until we get to know you. Why? There are 3 reasons.

a) We’re sure you can appreciate that we can’t possibly diagnose you over the internet. There is no one single program that everyone goes on. These are serious programs for serious people. Your cost can vary significantly depending on your particular condition including severity, aggravating factors, how long you’ve been suffering, how much your spine has degenerated, and of course your health goals just to name a few. We’re sure you understand that someone who has had multiple issues for a long period of time will obviously have different needs than someone who only has one issue for a shorter period of time. And no, your MRI does not tell us everything we need to know.

b) There is no one session price. Why? Because doing so would be following the exact same inadequate approach most people have taken and failed at. Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression is not like doing one massage to see how it feels. This is not something you try to see how it feels. It is about putting you on a comprehensive program that addresses all of your individual needs to finally get you the results you deserve. But unlike many other places, it’s not fitting you into the same program for everybody, rather, it’s finding the right program for you. We have multiple different programs which have multiple components. 

c) Your initial examination is necessary to properly answer this question. You’ll discover that most people find our Initial Consultation and Examination to be the most comprehensive examination that they’ve ever had and yes, it goes far beyond just looking at your past test results. Once this is conducted, we can be incredibly specific as to the program that works best for you, how many sessions it would involve and exactly what it will cost. For those still looking for a number, initial programs are typically equivalent to the cost of dental braces and start at $3,500.
8. Can I do a single session?
For the reasons explained in #7, single sessions are not available.

9. How long is the average program and how often will I need to come in to your health centre?
Again, there is no such thing as average. One must also consider that most of these conditions have existed for years if not decades. Having said that, most people will need to receive care at our centre at a frequency of 3 times per week over an 8-week period. 

10. What is your special offer?
The cost for your Comprehensive Initial Consultation & Examination including Diagnostic Digital X-rays and a Full-Spine Neurological Scan has a value of $500 but for a limited time it is just $99 when paid in advance. We purposely keep the cost of this initial visit low so that you can find out exactly what’s going on and what is needed to get you results specific to you. There is never any obligation to begin care although most people do if they qualify as a candidate. 

11. What exactly happens during my Initial Consultation & Examination?
We have yet to have a single person who was not more than satisfied with their initial visit. You visit will include
a) Completion of your comprehensive initial health forms
b) Up to 1 hour one on one directly with Dr. Zielonka
c) Comprehensive consultation
d) Full-Spine Neurological scan
e) Diagnostic digital x-rays with a possible special motion study.
f) Hands-on examination
g) Necessary orthopedic tests and a postural assessment
h) Dr. Zielonka will show you your x-rays and explain your specific test results.
i) Should you bring your past MRI report, he will review and explain this as well.
i) Dr. Zielonka will discuss exactly what Non-Surgical, Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression is, whether you’re a candidate, and if so, exactly what would be involved in your program as well as what results could be expected.

12. How do I schedule my initial appointment?
The best way to schedule your initial visit is to call us directly at 613 688-1036 so we can find a solution that’s right for you. We are a very active health centre that focuses on the person in front of us so please leave a message in the rare case that we don’t answer your call immediately. We’d be pleased to be of service.

13. Can I get more information?
 Absolutely. If you still need even more information, we’re pleased to give you all the information you need to help you determine if we’re right for you and you’re right for us. In addition to this FAQ sheet, you can also get everything you need to know in our VIP Health Discovery Package. How Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression works, conditions it can help, exactly what’s included in our 7-Step Program to End Back Pain, access to our 23-minute video, a detailed description of all of our programs, insurance contribution, testimonials and success stories from those who’ve completed our programs. Please call us at 613 688-1036. You may also go to Amazon and get Dr. Zielonka's latest book "Low Back Pain is Not a Life Sentence". 

14How Long Do Results Last?
You've likely suffered more than long enough with temporary relief at best. Our specialized programs are designed to give you long lasting results as well as strategies to maintain them.
Think You've Tried Everything?            You Haven't Tried This.
 After failed back surgery and numerous unsuccessful visits to physiotherapists and chiropractors I came across a   YouTube video by Dr. John Zielonka on non-surgical treatment for Spinal Stenosis. His approach made so much   sense to me compared to what I had been hearing from other professionals about my condition.

 The clinic is a 5 hour drive from my home in Northern Ontario. I did not make the decision lightly to meet with Dr.   Zielonka.

 At my initial interview, I was extremely impressed with the depth of information he collected and the quality time he   spent with me to ensure I understood what the x-rays revealed. He promised me no magical cures and shared a   realistic prognosis for improvement of my symptoms by dealing with root causes of my pain. All this was before he   even “laid a hand on me” which I truly appreciated given my previous experience.

 At the end of the 8-week treatment on my lower spine, I now have feeling coming back into my leg as well as   increased strength. I am now cleared for knee surgery after a 4-year delay due to not being able to complete any   post surgery recovery work. I have a better outlook to the possibility of continuing recovery.

 It is so refreshing to work with the team at this clinic that emphasizes the importance of finding and treating the   underlying cause of pain in my body rather than just medicating the symptoms.  Thank-you.

It's time to end your pain and suffering. We offer Serious Solutions for Serious Problems to people who are Serious about their health.

Please claim your certificate now.

If you prefer to speak with a caring human, you may also call us directly during normal business hours at  

(613) 688-1036

The Science of Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression

Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression therapy has shown significant promise in treating a variety of spinal conditions. Here are some of the top studies and clinical reports confirming its efficacy:

1. Mayo Clinic Research: The Mayo Clinic has conducted various studies on spinal decompression, including comparisons of decompression alone versus decompression with fusion for recurrent disc herniation, and the effectiveness of the MILD procedure for lumbar spinal stenosis (Mayo Clinic).

2. Ottawa Chiropractic & Natural Health Centre: At the Ottawa Chiropractic & Natural Health Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, numerous case studies demonstrate a success rate of over 90% for individuals suffering from serious back, neck, and spinal issues as part of their Neuro-Spinal Restoration Program. This program has shown life-changing success in treating spinal stenosis, disc herniations, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, failed back surgery, migraine headaches, and other spinal conditions.

3. Johns Hopkins University: Multiple previous studies as well as ongoing studies at Johns Hopkins University have demonstrated significant success in patients undergoing spinal decompression.

4. Dr. John Zielonka, Ottawa, Canada: Dr. Zielonka is one of Canada’s leading authorities on Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression. He has completed clinical studies on the effects of Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression specific to spinal spondylolisthesis. Results have demonstrated statistically significant improvement utilizing pre and post x-rays including full resolution in some cases in as little as 8 weeks.

5. Stanford University: Current clinical trials at Stanford University are demonstrating positive patient outcomes in patients suffering with a multitude of chronic spinal conditions utilizing targeted spinal decompression.

6. Effects of Non-Surgical Decompression Therapy: A study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders evaluated non-surgical decompression therapy combined with routine physical therapy in patients with lumbar radiculopathy. The study found significant improvements in pain, lumbar range of motion, disability levels, and quality of life compared to physical therapy alone (BioMed Central).

7. Spinal Decompression Therapy at Onyx Wellness: Onyx Wellness highlights several clinical studies demonstrating the effectiveness of spinal decompression therapy. One study noted that 86% of patients reported immediate symptom resolution, and 84% remained pain-free 90 days post-treatment (Onyx Wellness).

8. Laser Assisted Spinal Decompression: Physiomed Vancouver reports a success rate of over 90% with their Laser Assisted Spinal Decompression treatment, offering a non-invasive alternative to spinal surgery with significant pain relief and functional improvement (Physiomed Vancouver).

9. CSS Spine and Nerve Institute: This institute provides comprehensive information on the benefits of non-surgical spinal decompression, particularly for conditions such as herniated discs, sciatica, and spinal stenosis. Their clinical results support the therapy's ability to alleviate pain and improve spinal health without surgery (CSSpineAndNerve).

10. Spinal Decompression and Class IV Laser: Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression is a revolutionary, patented, form of care that provides simultaneous spinal decompression and Class IV laser. Spinal decompression is different and far more advanced than either basic traction or inversion therapy. Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression was invented by Dr. Allan Dyer, MD, Ph.D. and former Minister of Health for Ontario. It dates back to 1991. Class IV laser, the highest level of laser approved by Health Canada and the FDA, was also introduced for treatment in the 1990s. There are hundreds of studies in the scientific literature on both of these forms of care showing their effectiveness. Should you wish to explore them in detail, please go to PubMed or the National Institute of Health. By simultaneously combining them in this new, patented system, their effects have been multiplied helping many who had given up hope. There are currently only 12 clinics in the world with this advanced technology. The only one in Ottawa is at our Health Centre under the direction of Dr. John Zielonka.

These sources collectively highlight the clinical validation and success of Non-Surgical Robotic Laser Spinal Decompression in treating various spinal conditions. The positive outcomes from these studies and clinical reports underscore its potential as a viable alternative to invasive spinal surgeries.